NVision provides solutions for telecom, finance and other enterprise segments in areas of core networks, business support systems and information.
NVision provides solutions for telecom, finance and other enterprise segments in areas of core networks, business support systems and information security
Business & Operations Support Systems (BSS/OSS), real time convergent online charging & rating and PCRF based on NVision MOAF platform
Solutions for modern telco operators allowing routing of voice and data communication throughout the network with maximal security
Serves as central point where services, features provided to end subscribers and corporate users are implemented. It allows maximal efficiency, all services are managed from one place by telco operator
Solutions performing security audits, preventing sensitive data from leaving your company and shedding light on what is going on in your organization.
Central point where all products definitions are stored. Help your business to be run efficiently
Along with the digital solutions NVision offers also set of services to support development, delivery and technical support of complex projects. Based on industry standards and utilizing our certified and experienced staff we ensure smooth product lifecycle within customer TCO.
Managed services for NVision delivered systems and 3rd party vendors. Cost effective way allowing you to focus to your core business
Utilize our experience in your software development projects. From telco to IT – we have the right specialists for you
NVision will help you with any change in your software and network to ensure smooth continuity of business operation
Transfer of know-how to your specialist using NVision-designed or vendor specific trainings
Co všechno dokážeme jasně dokazují naše výsledky, na které jsme velmi hrdí!
Let na trhu
Od roku 1993 poskytujeme našim zákazníkuům špičkové služby a řešení
Profesionálů v Praze
Tým našich IT profesionálů zajišťujě celý cyklus tvorby, vývoje a testování služeb a řešení
Hovorů za vteřinu
Naše plně škálovatelné řešení využívají jak malé, tak velké společnosti.
Koncových uživatelů
Naše řešení slouží každý den milonům koncových uživatelů na celém světě